What is Oral Cancer & How to Treat in 2022?

Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases, and there is no doubt it cost life as well. It doesn't matter in which part of the body it takes place it is life-threatening. In the present generation, oral cancer is being quite common people are diagnosed with. After diagnosing, they get in touch medical oncologist in Jaipur and seek medical help. But it is also essential to know what it is and how to treat the same. Let's discuss it.

What is Oral Cancer

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer refers to the development of cancer cells in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It is one of the larger groups of cancer referred to as head and neck cancer. The squamous cells develop in the mouth, tongue and lips. Every year most people get diagnosed with it due to their inappropriate activities and consumption of alcohol, and unnecessary smoking.

Early detection of oral cancer can let a person live a healthy life, but if it reaches later stages, it becomes difficult to cure the same, and it will cost a life. It is also known as mouth cancer or oral cavity cancer.

Types of oral cancer:

The type of oral cancer depends on the path on which it can take place. It can take place in:-

  • Tongue
  • Lips
  • Gums
  • The roof of the mouth
  • The inner lining of the cheek
  • The floor of the mouth
  • Hard and soft palate

Stages of oral cancer:

Oral cancer is divided into four stages. These are as follows:-

Stage 1:-

Stage 1 is the condition where the tumour is 2 cm or smaller than it. In this stage, it will not spread to lymph nodes.

Stage 2:-

Meanwhile, Stage 2 cancer is a condition where it is between 2 to 4 cm, and still, the cancer cell has not occupied a place in the nearby lymph nodes.

Stage 3:-

Well, Stage 3 is the dangerous stage, and in this case, the size of the tensor is larger than 4 cm and can get spread to one lymph node. But it has not occupied the place to other parts of the body.

Stage 4:-

Stage 4 is the largest, and cancer cells have spread to nearby tissues as well. In other parts of the body, too, the cells may have occupied the place.

Symptoms of oral cancer:

When it is about approaching the doctor for oral cancer treatment in Jaipur, it is also essential to know about the symptoms so that whom to approach for the treatment can become easy to answer. The symptoms are as follows:-

  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Growth of mass anywhere in the mouth
  • Mouth pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • A lip or sore mouth
  • Tongue pain
  • Jaw pain or stiffness
  • Facing problem in wearing dentures.

Causes of oral cancer:

The causes of oral cancer are as follows:-

  • Use of tobacco, including chewing tobacco, cigarette or any other.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Exposure lips to the sun for a longer duration.
  • A sexually transmitted virus known as human papilloma virus
  • Weak immunity system

Diagnosis of oral cancer:

Diagnosis of oral cancer doctor will do in the following ways:

  • X-ray to check out for the cancer cells have spread to any other part of the body or not.
  • CT scan to reveal the tumours in the throat, mouth, lung, neck or any other part of the body.
  • MRI scan to get a more accurate image of the head and neck and determining the extent of cancer.
  • Endoscopy to examine the inner part of the body, including nasal passage, inner throat, sinuses, windpipe and trachea.

Treatment of oral cancer:

The treatment of oral cancer depends on the type, stage of cancer, and location at which it is present. By considering the same doctors consider any of the treatments as we are discussing below:-


In the early stages, doctors suggest surgery. In it, they remove the tumour and cancer lymph nodes. Also, they examine the nearby tissues around the mouth and neck, and if the cancer cell has occupied the place in it, remove them too.


Chemotherapy is the treatment in which a doctor uses drugs to kill cancer cells. The doctors either allow the person to take the medicines orally or through an intravenous line. In some cases, hospitalisation is also essential.

Radiation therapy:

Radiation therapy is the procedure in which the doctor aims the radiation beam to the tumour once or twice a day. It is a treatment for advance stages, and chemotherapy is also integrated along with it.

Targeted therapy:

Targeted therapy is effective in the early and advanced stages of cancer. In this treatment, doctors take out the drug that will bind to the specific protein on the cancer cell and suppresses its growth.

Here we discuss oral cancer in detail. If you are having any symptoms approach Dr. Tara chand Gupta in Jaipur. He is the best medical oncologist to help you in getting the best treatment for it. Clear details will be available with you considering the condition so that you can prepare yourself for the surgery and further procedure

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