What are the signs of stage 4 colon cancer 2022?

In total there are four stages of colon cancer, and in stage 4, the condition gets worse. When a person enters to stage 4 colon cancer, the medical oncologist in Jaipur clear about the same to the patient and their family in detail and let them get an idea about the duration left with the person. Sometimes the family is unaware about the stage, and they build-up of false hope. But doctor with transparency presents the results right in front.

What are the signs of stage 4 colon cancer

Categories of stage 4 colon cancer:

Stage 4 colon cancer is divided into two categories 4A and 4B.

4A stage:

This state indicates the spreading of Cancer to a distant site like the liver or lungs. Apart from a particular site, the cells have not occupied any place on other sites.

4B stage:

This state indicates the advancement in colon cancer, and it spreads to two or more distant sides. The sites could be liver and lungs and some other as well.

If we understand the sign of colon cancer, then the sign of 4th stage colon cancer is somewhere different from the previous stage. Let's discuss them.

Sign in 4 stage colon cancer:-

Blood in stool:

If you notice dark red or black blood in stool, it indicates stage 4 colon cancer. There is no coming back from there. Whenever you move ahead to get fresh, you will notice the dark red or black color blood for sure.

Unexplained weakness:

In stage 4, weakness reaches the extent where you feel like engaging in regular activities is not your cup of tea anymore. This sometimes happened that a person is not even able to engage in their things. Due to losing iron from the body, weakness takes place, and you can't get rid of it with medicines as well.

Stools are thin:

If a person has a long, thin pencil-like stool, this indicates there is a blockage in the colon. This blockage takes place due to any tumor or any other particle. But if you are already suffering from colon cancer, this marks stage 4 progressions.

Constipation and diarrhea:

Constipation and diarrhea are also very common. There is no particular explanation first behind the same. Even the state arises when a medicine stops working, and you need to get habitual of the same.

Abdominal pain gets worse:

Abdominal pain also gets worse. The cramps lead to a state where you are not even able to sit properly for sleep as well. Sometimes the individual has a feeling of vomiting or nausea due to the abdominal pain they are facing. This pain becomes unbearable too.

These are the common sign of stage 4 colon cancer. Sometimes a patient is not able to cope up with the ongoing scenario, and they become part of depression as well. But thankfully, colon cancer treatment in Jaipur is available, which helps individuals to get rid of it as early as possible. If an individual is taking care of medicines and all other factors, then the chances of recovery will have a boost.

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