Can Blood Cancer Be Prevented?

Cancer may develop anywhere in the body, and most blood cancers develop in a person’s bone marrow. It is a soft and fatty cavity of the bone where blood cells develop. Blood cancer treatment is simple by consulting an oncologist in Jaipur.

What Is Blood Cancer?

Blood cancer interferes and affects the production and functions of blood cells.

It starts in the bone marrow. Stem cells mature and develop three kinds of blood cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood cancer interrupts blood production due to the growth of an abnormal type of blood cells. Blood cancer has three types.

  1. Leukemia
  2. Myeloma
  3. Lymphoma


Approximately 30 percent of childhood cancers are leukemia. Leukemia occurs in early blood-forming cells, most probably in white blood cells and found in blood or bone marrow. It also has many types. Some are fast-growing, acute, and chronic.


This blood cancer occurs in plasma cells that are in the bone marrow. If they grow abnormally, it becomes cancerous and known as multiple myeloma.


It occurs in cells that are parts of the immune system. Lymphoma has two types, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and Hodgkin lymphoma. The difference between these two is the type of white blood cell that becomes abnormal.

Blood Cancer Symptoms:

There are no screening tests that exist to detect blood cancer like those available to detect other cancers. Thus, detection starts with the indication of common symptoms that prove you are sick.

Symptoms include night sweats, fever or chills, headaches, abnormal discomfort, itchy skin or skin rash, loss of appetite or nausea, bone and joint pain, frequent infections, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, underarms, and groins, weakness of fatigue that does not go away, and unexplainable weight loss.

How to Prevent Blood Cancer?

Scientists and medical professionals have not found the exact cause of blood cancer. But they have given some factors that you can consider to avoid blood cancer. You can do it by staying away from these factors to reduce the risks of blood cancer.

  • Avoid or limit the exposure to radiation of chemicals like benzene and pesticides.
  • Do not consume tobacco in any form like smoking or chewing.
  • Keep your body active and adopt a healthy diet to reduce the risks of developing blood cancer. It also helps to avoid most physical illnesses and diseases.
  • You can do some regular exercises to keep your body and take proper nutrition that your body requires.

What to Do If a Person Has Blood Cancer?

If you notice the above-discussed symptoms of blood cancer, your first step is to consult a doctor. There are some treatments available to treat blood cancer. It includes radiation stem cell treatment and chemotherapy.

Final Thoughts:

Did you understand how is easy to prevent blood cancer? But if you have seen any of the above-discussed symptoms, you can consult an oncologist in Jaipur to understand the treatment and further care. You can not avoid consulting medical professionals if you have many above-discussed symptoms for a long time.

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