What are the 5 warning signs of breast cancer?

The warning sign of breast cancer is not at all same in all women. There can be any symptom in a woman which might not be present in other woman having breast cancer. Signs and symptoms usually help in identifying and diagnose any disease at an early stage. It is so in the case of breast cancer. Early diagnosis may help a woman to get proper treatment and get rid of breast cancer easily. Thus, it is important to have detailed information about the symptoms of breast cancer which includes:

  • Change in the shape: Women having breast cancer can easily notice a change in the shape and size of their breasts and nipples.

  • Nipple discharge: You can even experience nipple discharge that starts suddenly without any reason. But those who come across such problem only doesn’t mean that they are suffering from breast cancer. It can be due to infection as well. So, if you are facing the problem of nipple discharge, consult your doctor. It may or may not be breast cancer.

  • Redness: Swelling, hardness, scaling of a nipple, darkening of breast, warmth etc. are some other symptoms which can be seen in women suffering from breast cancer. There can be skin irritation, rash or itchiness on the breast as well. This signifies that you might be suffering from breast cancer and thus need to visit a doctor. You can take breast cancer treatment in Jaipur which is available at a very reasonable and affordable cost.

  • Lumps: Women often feel the hardness, lumps, thickening inside the breast or underarm area when they suffer from breast cancer. In case, you feel a new lump inside your breast that does not even go after your next period and pains, then it is also a symptom of breast cancer. These lumps are mostly hard with irregular edges.

  • Others: There are many other symptoms which are very common to be faced in daily life. But if they exist for a longer time, they can be a topic of great concern. These symptoms include retraction of nipples, enlargement of one breast, increase in the size of any existing lump, change in the texture of the skin, pain in vagina, weight loss, visible veins on the breast and many more.

All these signs and symptoms are related to breast cancer. So when you visit Cancer doctor in Jaipur for any concern related to breast pain, lump or hardness, there are some tests that you might be recommended and must perform. Your doctor will ask you for having a physical examination of your breast and nipple. Even proper check-up of your armpits will also help in the identification of the problem. Additionally, having a detailed knowledge of medical history, mammogram, ultrasound, MRI scan, Biopsy etc. are some other tests which allow you to diagnose the exact problem.

These tests help in examining and producing an image of the breast tissue. This further explains whether the cancer is at an early stage or at an advanced level. The best thing is there is the proper treatment of breast cancer available at almost all reputed hospitals. If you are able to diagnose breast cancer at the earliest stage, you can get rid of it with the help of very small surgery. After it you can spend the rest of your life with great ease.

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